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21st Century Cures Act Fact Sheet

Cures Act Issue 1

The 21st Century Cures Act is shaking up the healthcare industry, and the expansive nature of the legislation complicates compliance. At ChartRequest, we understand that hectic healthcare environments can make reading 320 dense pages of legislation difficult. 

That’s why we’ve read it for you.

Discover your organization’s Cures Act compliance with our 5-minute assessment.

To help you feel confident moving forward as the legislation continues to evolve, we want to provide you with a series of guides to help you understand each unique topic essential for compliance. 

Below, you’ll find the first issue covering some high-level information and setting the stage for the rest of the series. As we progress through each topic, you will gain important insights to help ensure compliance for your organization. 

If you like what you see, sign up for our newsletter so we can update you as the series progresses. Stay tuned for more 21st Century Cures Act fact sheets.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

21st Century Cures Act Fact Sheet – Issue 1

Additional Cures Act Compliance Resources

ChartRequest is here to help medical professionals like you ensure compliance with the most relevant regulations. If you would like to brush up on other pertinent healthcare regulations, check out the pages below:

We’re dedicated to the secure, compliant exchange of protected health information, and we believe that accessing medical, billing, and imaging records shouldn’t be a hassle. 

Are you tired of the hassles and risks associated with manually releasing protected health information? We’d love to tell you more about the ChartRequest release of information software solution.

Ready for issue 2? Click here to read all about EHI and information blocking exceptions.

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