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7 Benefits Pediatric Partners Experience With ChartRequest

7 Benefits Pediatric Partners Experience With ChartRequest

Handling patient information doesn’t have to mean juggling paperwork, and our pediatric partners enjoy a better way of releasing medical records.

In pediatrics, young patients can’t always accurately express how they’re feeling, so providing information for concerned parents becomes part of your job. This task gains more weight as we keep up with their fast-paced growth and unique needs.

Juggling these records is no small feat, especially when coordinating with various pediatric healthcare providers. Missteps in managing these details can mean delays in a child’s care, and any mistakes make parents worry.

That’s why teaming up with a Release of Information (ROI) software service can be a strategic and valuable asset.

Imagine having a dedicated ROI platform and team whose sole mission is to share medical records securely and swiftly. For example, Pediatric partners of ChartRequest have more time to dedicate to their young patients.

Let’s explore how pediatric partners can benefit from joining the #1 release of information service. Find out how this collaboration lifts the burden off the clinic’s shoulders and facilitates a smoother, safer healthcare journey for young patients and their families.

What Is a Pediatric Medical Record?

A pediatric medical record is a comprehensive and evolving narrative of a child’s health. This documentation starts from the moment they’re born until they’re 18 years old. It’s vital for care coordination, and that’s why every child’s health requires vigilant observation.

This detailed document plays several crucial roles:

  • Patient history: It starts with basics like name and birthdate, then dives into detailed medical history including past illnesses, surgeries, allergies, and family health background.
  • Vaccination records: These are vital for tracking immunizations, which is a key part of child health. In fact, around 90% of U.S. children have received vaccines like MMR, showing how crucial these records are in managing pediatric health.
  • Clinical notes: Each visit or health encounter is carefully documented here, and documentation should leave no gaps to ensure a continuous narrative of the child’s health.
  • Medications: Details about every prescribed medication are recorded for safety and effective treatment.
  • Growth and development tracking: Charts following a child’s physical and cognitive milestones are also included.
  • Allergy alerts: Critical information about allergies or sensitivities is recorded to safeguard the child’s well-being.

Who Is Responsible for Managing Patient Records?

A medical records clerk generally oversees the organization and release of medical records. In pediatric clinics without a dedicated records officer, managing medical records often falls to a more generalized role like an office manager.

Meticulous record management is important to avoid mistakes, and important functions of this include:

  • Ensuring informed decisions with a complete health history.
  • Facilitating coordinated care across multiple healthcare providers.
  • Helping meet standards like the HIPAA Privacy Rule to avoid legal issues.
  • Minimizing data inaccuracies, which is important for appropriate pediatric treatment.
  • Tracking important vaccinations and developmental screenings.
  • Allowing clear discussions about health status and care plans.
  • Ensuring accurate billing and timely reimbursements.

According to a report, 80% of medical bills contain errors. Additionally, doctors leave an estimated $125 billion on the table due to inefficient billing practices.

This drives the point why bringing in a full-service ROI solution is important for pediatric partners.

7 Ways Pediatric Partners Can Benefit From ROI Outsourcing

Pediatric partners often deal with a high volume of record requests. AHIMA notes that healthcare facilities can handle thousands of these requests yearly.

For pediatric partners, this means more time for patient care, as the ROI service handles the heavy lifting. It ensures that record sharing is fast, accurate, and secure, meeting HIPAA standards.

This shift can cut down on costs and the workload for staff and improve the overall quality of care for young patients.

1. Expertise and Compliance

For pediatric clinics, understanding and following health information laws like HIPAA is essential.

Outsourcing this task to release of information experts can help these clinics avoid legal problems. Professional ROI teams know all about HIPAA rules and help make sure everything’s done right.

A case at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center in Omaha shows just how serious this can be. They had to pay $80,000 for violating the Right of Access by not giving out a child’s medical records correctly.

This example highlights why it’s so important for a pediatric clinic to be careful when dealing with children’s sensitive health details.

2. Efficiency and Focus on Core Activities

When pediatric clinics outsource their ROI tasks, it’s a big win for both staff and young patients. This move takes away the stress of handling loads of paperwork, like making sure records are right, sticking to healthcare laws, and sharing info with other doctors.

With ROI experts taking over, the clinic team gets to focus more on providing excellent care for kids. This not only makes things run more smoothly, but also improves the quality of care. It’s all about giving pediatric partners the space to do what they’re great at – protecting children’s health.

3. Reduced Errors

Using a professional ROI service helps your pediatric clinic avoid errors in handling medical records.

They thoroughly examine record requests, which means fewer mistakes and happier patients. Handling ROI correctly can also help pediatric partners avoid legal complaints from parents.

Even though lawsuits against pediatricians are less common now, they can still be costly. In 2018, the average lawsuit cost against pediatric specialists was about $128,000.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

Outsourcing ROI requests can be more budget-friendly than adding more medical record staff.

Simply hiring just one administrative person can cost about $4,700, including all the steps from advertising to training. That’s not accounting for salary, benefits, and other standard costs.

Plus, healthcare admin jobs have a high turnover rate of about 30%. This means clinics often see a third of their new hires leave each year, leading to ongoing disruptions and extra costs.

Choosing specialized ROI services instead makes it a stable and cost-saving choice for handling health information exchange (HIE).

5. Enhanced Security

Dedicated ROI services enhance security at pediatric clinics, safeguarding sensitive children’s health data. They use secure systems and procedures, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches, which can be very harmful.

For instance, a breach at Connexin Software affected over 2.2 million patients. It included 4,958 records from Forest Hill Pediatrics. This shows how critical strong security measures are, especially when handling the health information of vulnerable children.

Pediatric clinics can better protect against such breaches by outsourcing ROI tasks.

6. Scalability

Outsourcing ROI tasks gives healthcare practices flexibility without hiring and training more staff.

Requestor demand varies a lot due to audits, outbreaks, and other unexpected events. This can cause sudden increases in record requests in pediatric clinics.

By teaming up with a dedicated ROI service, it’s easier to adjust their support. They can expand or reduce ROI services as needed. This way, pediatricians can focus on patient care without heavy admin workloads.

7. Timeliness

Professional ROI services have the resources to process requests faster than most in-house teams, resulting in consistently swift turnaround times. For example, our pediatric partners with a Full-Service partnership are covered by our 5-day guarantee.

Timely access to medical records is essential in pediatric care for the following reasons:

  • Medical care: Rapid access to a child’s medical records is important to make informed decisions and deliver timely treatments. This is especially critical in emergency situations.
  • Legal proceedings: Legal cases involving pediatric patients may require quick access to their medical records for evidence and documentation.
  • Second opinions: Parents seeking a second medical opinion for their child may need prompt access to medical records to expedite the process.

Several factors can also influence the turnaround time for pediatric medical records, such as the volume of requests and the format of the requested records.

Efficient access to pediatric medical records is crucial for timely healthcare. It provides essential information to parents and healthcare providers when needed while following HIPAA rules.

Choosing a service with a proven track record of delivering pediatric records promptly is essential for a seamless healthcare experience for young patients.

What Does ChartRequest Do for Pediatric Partners?

Handling medical records is a critical task in pediatric care. The well-being of young patients relies on accurate and timely access to their health information.

Pediatric clinics often find themselves inundated with the ROI process. This can be overwhelming and time-consuming for them.

This is where ChartRequest’s Full-Service partnership steps in as a dependable partner. It offers a range of features that support seven key benefits for pediatric clinics.

1. Complete Management of the Release of Information Process

ChartRequest takes the burden off pediatric clinics by managing the entire ROI process. From receiving requests and verifying authorizations to delivering records and collecting payments, ChartRequest ensures that every step is handled efficiently. This allows pediatric partners to focus on patient care.

2. Rapid Turnaround Times

Time is of the essence in pediatric care. ChartRequest offers lightning-fast results, often delivering medical records within 1-2 business days. This swift turnaround time ensures that pediatricians have the information they need when making decisions.

3. Unwavering Compliance and Security

Confidentiality and security of patient data are paramount, especially when dealing with pediatric health records. ChartRequest rigorously adheres to HIPAA regulations, employing encryption and automation to minimize human error. This commitment to compliance guarantees that sensitive patient information remains protected at all times.

4. Dedicated White-Glove Support

ChartRequest understands the importance of exceptional support. With an average rating of 4.8 stars on Google Reviews, their white-glove, omnichannel support is readily available to assist pediatric clinics at every step of the ROI process. This support ensures that clinics receive the assistance they need promptly and effectively.

5. Cost-Effective Solutions

Pediatric clinics often face budget constraints. ChartRequest offers cost-effective pricing structures, taking into account factors such as billable vs. non-billable requests and the hours saved by healthcare staff. This approach reduces costs and ensures that clinics receive continuous value.

6. Transparency and Updates

Transparency is a cornerstone of ChartRequest’s service, and we provide real-time status updates to all requestors throughout the ROI process. This transparency fosters trust and confidence, allowing requestors to stay informed about the status of their requests.

7. Expertise and Partnership

ChartRequest goes beyond being a service provider; we build true partnerships. Our team collaborates closely with each pediatric clinic to tailor our services to their unique needs. This personalized approach ensures that clinics receive the support and solutions that align with their specific requirements.

Additional Features for Enhanced Reliability

In addition to these core benefits, ChartRequest offers several additional features that further solidify its position as a reliable ROI partner:

  • Training and Education: ChartRequest staff undergo rigorous training and education to stay updated with HIPAA compliance and best practices. This commitment to continuous learning ensures that clinics receive services from knowledgeable professionals.
  • Double QA Review: To guarantee accuracy, each request ChartRequest processes undergoes a two-step quality assurance process involving two human verifications. This meticulous review process minimizes errors and ensures that records are released correctly.
  • Real-Time Audit Logging: ChartRequest’s real-time audit logging tracks every action taken with each request, offering accountability and traceability. This feature enhances security and transparency, assuring clinics of a reliable and accountable service.
  • Security Measures: ChartRequest implements top-tier security measures to safeguard patient information and protect healthcare facilities from data breaches. These robust security protocols provide peace of mind to clinics regarding the safety of their data.

Want to Learn More About the Benefits for Pediatric Partners?

Every detail matters in healthcare, including pediatric care.

Efficient medical record management is not just a task—it’s the backbone of providing optimal healthcare for our young patients.

Pediatricians and healthcare providers strive to offer the best possible care for children. This journey begins with having timely, accurate, and secure access to their medical histories.

The challenges in managing these records can be overwhelming, but the solutions are within reach.

ChartRequest’s Full-Service ROI offers a lifeline for pediatric partners. We are dedicated to lightening the load and streamlining the release of medical records. We want to empower healthcare professionals to focus on what truly matters—caring for our little patients.

To enhance efficiency and care quality, consider making the strategic choice to become a new pediatric partner with ChartRequest.

Book a demo today! Discover how this collaboration can transform your pediatric practice. Explore how we can help make it even more capable of delivering top-notch healthcare to the children who depend on it.

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