This is the second installment of our Cures Act Fact Sheet series, covering electronic health information and information-blocking exceptions. If you missed it, click here to find the first issue of our 21st Century Cures Act Fact Sheet Series.

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The digital age has made an interesting impact on medical recordkeeping with the advent of electronic health records. The 21st Century Cures Act aims to enhance interoperability between health IT systems used to create, access, and transmit EHI.

To enhance interoperability, electronic health information must be easy to request and share. As such, this legislation also requires healthcare providers to avoid activities that impede the timely release of information.

As Cures Act updates and implementation deadlines have passed over the last few years, so have the release of information requirements. For instance, the definition of EHI expanded beyond USDCI data elements on October 6, 2022. Simply put, this update made more types of protected health information mandatory to release. 

To help clarify compliance requirements for healthcare professionals, this Cures Act fact sheet will cover what you need to know about EHI and the information blocking exceptions. 

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

Cures-Act-Fact-Sheet-for-Providers-Issue-2-EHI-and-In Cures Act Fact Sheet 2: EHI and Information Blocking Exceptionsformation-Blocking-ExceptionsDownload

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