Urgent Care Centers

Increase Operational Efficiency, Improve Continuity of Care, and Improve Patient Experience.

We Take the Headache Out Of Information Release

By nature, urgent care centers are often the first care setting for patients with immediate medical emergencies. Afterward, these centers receive many inbound requests for medical records. Are you looking to optimize your urgent care management? Let ChartRequest simplify your release of information workflow. Our platform processes record requests quickly and accurately—helping you efficiently use your resources to serve patients. Schedule a demo.
Increase Efficiency

Improve Urgent Care Management Efficiency

Information release can increase your administrative burden. Include ChartRequest in your urgent care management strategy to increase operational efficiency. You’ll reduce hours of unnecessary communication while expediting accurate reimbursement.

Increase Quality Assurance for Medical Records

Our platform isn’t simply HIPAA compliant. For every information release, ChartRequest requires a two-step process for quality assurance. With our built-in QA checklists, your staff will double-check authorizations and medical records for completeness and accuracy.
Increase quality
Support your staff

Support Your Administrative Staff

It’s difficult to serve patients well when your staff is constantly chasing down medical records—or spending hours on the phone, answering questions about requests. Leverage ChartRequest to support your administrative team. The ChartRequest app is designed to give requestors real-time updates on the status of their records. You’ll free up your employees—while making requestors happy.