
Common Questions and Support Documentation.


ChartRequest does not have your medical records, but we facilitate the exchange of protected health information with custodians of medical records. Depending on the selected delivery method for your request, records are either uploaded to our platform for easy access or sent via fax once payment is received.

ChartRequest’s legal name is MYHEALTH, LLC dba ChartRequest. Our Tax Identification Number is 46-4228040.

If you need a completed W-9, you can print one here:

ChartRequest helps both requestors and providers streamline the process of managing medical record requests by providing a secure, efficient platform to release protected health information as quickly as possible.

Law professionals who choose our active retrieval service can avoid the hassle of calling, emailing, and faxing providers to follow up on requests by outsourcing their ROI needs to ChartRequest.

Providers who choose our self-service option can use our platform to streamline the ROI process and ensure no request is lost or forgotten.

Providers who choose our full-service option completely outsource the ROI process to the ChartRequest team, saving their staff even more time and energy throughout the release of information (ROI) process. Visit our outsourcing ROI plans webpage for a comparison between the features of these two options.

Additionally, our referral management system can reduce referral leakage, promote care coordination between providers, and improve the patient experience. Our platform eases communication between providers and simplifies the process of sharing information.

Yes – very much so. We utilize best-in-class security infrastructure with all communications and transfers occurring over a 128 to 256-bit SSL encryption secure connection. Our infrastructure features redundant firewall protection, redundant web application protection, DoS and DDoS mitigation, monitored intrusion detection, VPN/SSL and multi-factor authentication for server management for our infrastructure. Our hosting environment also provides protection against MITM attacks, IP spoofing, Port Scanning, and Packet Sniffing.

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ChartRequest staff and our provider clients work hard to provide requested records as quickly as possible. We aim to fulfill requests to our full-service and self-service clients within 7 to 10 business days, but requests to retrieval custodian clients and providers outside our network may take longer, from 18-28 business days.

If you need your records sooner, be sure to check the box for “Rush Request” to get your records within 48 hours for an additional fee. Please note that this service is only available for select providers.

When your request has been priced, you will receive a notification email with a link to access the records. Some requests may be delayed because they require access to paper records or records that have been archived; these records generally require additional time to research and securely release.

To check the status of a request, please sign in to ChartRequest and view the request page or visit If you would like to communicate with the provider organization or ChartRequest staff directly, click “Provider Chat” on the bottom right of the request page. 

From creation to fulfillment, each request moves through several unique request statuses:

  1. Draft – When you create a request, it is created as a draft. This means that it has not yet been submitted to a provider. You can save a request and come back to it later if, for example, you need to scan your authorization to attach it to the request.
  2. Pending – When you submit a request to a provider, it goes into a pending status and the provider is notified. You do not need to take any action while the request is in this status.
  3. Incomplete – If your request is incomplete or the authorization is invalid, the request will be marked incomplete, and a reason will be provided. Please correct any issues and submit the updated request.
  4. QA – Each requested record goes through a rigorous quality assurance phase, during which ChartRequest or our provider client’s staff review each page to ensure accuracy and privacy.
  5. Priced – When the provider reviews a request and determines that the authorization is valid, they will typically generate a price for the records based on the number of pages. Afterward, you will receive an email notification that you can log in to the platform and pay for the request via credit card or check depending on the provider
  6. Ordered – Once payment is received, you will gain access to your records. Depending on the service you requested and the provider’s policy, you will get your records either via fax or electronic download.
  7. Completed – The request has been fulfilled and the records delivered. 

The release of information (ROI) process is characterized by high levels of complexity and risk, which must be carefully balanced with the public’s need for health information. Key steps include:

Authenticating the requestor.

  1. Logging, verifying, and tracking the request.
  2. Retrieving patient information from multiple locations in multiple formats.
  3. Determining the information required to fulfill the request.
  4. Safeguarding sensitive information that could potentially be released in the process. 


Efficient, cost-effective execution is dependent on the ROI specialists at ChartRequest and our provider clients, who protect both the patient’s confidentiality and the practices’ liability throughout the entire process. 

If you forgot your ChartRequest password, click “Forgot Password?” on the login page and enter the email address associated with your account. You will receive an email containing a link to reset your password. Click this link, type in your new password, and confirm it.

If you do not receive your password reset email, please double-check your spam folder and ensure you are using the correct email address. 

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Found at

The fees for canceling a request after it has been submitted are:

  • Base rate of $49.95Plus $1 per page for the first 100 pages, $0.75 for each additional page
    1. Plus $4.95 Facility Rejection Fee per rejection
    2. Plus Provider Fee
    3. Any fees charged by the record provider
    4. $3.00 handling fee
    5. Any bank or currency conversion fee


ChartRequest will also automatically cancel a request after it has been in the system for 60 calendar days without being retrieved, or when it has been awaiting additional information from the requestor for 14 calendar days. 

In this case, the requestor will be notified via email and invoiced the full retrieval fee and any provider fees. If the requestor decides that automatically canceled records are needed, they can either submit a new request or open the closed request for an additional fee.

If duplicate requests for the same record are made, one of the requests may be canceled. In this case, the requestor will be charged normally for the fulfilled request and charged the cancellation fee for the canceled request. 

Your provider is the healthcare professional who ran tests and/or treatments for you. Whether they are a general practitioner or a specialist, any doctor you see will be considered your provider. When creating a request, you can search for your provider by state, the facility’s name, or the physician’s name.


Our platform automatically determines the price of requested medical records based on local, state, and federal statutes. All users are charged according to the fee schedule they agreed to upon signup.

Records are released for free only to healthcare providers requesting records from one another.

If paying for records by check, please make the check payable to “ChartRequest,” and send it to the following address:

PO BOX 931035
Atlanta, GA 31193-1035

Patient Users

To create your account, click here to reach the signup screen. Sign up as a patient to access your own records or those of your family, or sign up as a professional if you are a healthcare provider, law firm, insurance agency, government agency, etc.

Enter your information as requested. Once submitted, you will need to verify your account via either email or text to complete the signup process. Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see the verification email. 

All new accounts will need to fill out an onboarding survey form to provide important account information. Additionally, if you are signing up as a healthcare provider, your account will need to be reviewed and approved by the ChartRequest team before it can be used.

Watch this helpful video that explains how to set up a patient account:

Watch the Video

Navigating the Software as a Patient

Once you sign in to ChartRequest as a patient, you will see your “Dashboard.” On this page, you may create new requests for records, manage your dependents, and upload school, camp, and disability forms for your healthcare provider to complete.

If you would like to switch to the legacy experience, click “Switch to Classic View.”

what can we help you do?

You can use the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen to quickly navigate the Patient Hub:

Dashboard: This tab will return you to the “Dashboard,” where you can choose from the aforementioned options.


Records & Forms: In this tab, you can filter your requests for medical records or forms by provider, type, or status. The records and forms are listed with the most recently-submitted showing first by default. You can click on any request to bring up the details.

Records and Formså

In this menu, click “Messages” to review status updates and to message the custodian directly.


Dependents: This tab lists all the dependents stored in your account. There’s a timeline view and a detailed view for each dependent. The timeline view shows all the information requests made on behalf of that individual. The details view contains the dependent’s name, date of birth, and any optional information you’ve entered.


Support: Click here to find our customer support contact information, a link to our support center, and to request a refund.


To edit your account information as a patient, including your email address and password, sign in to ChartRequest and hover over your name in the top right corner. Click “Profile” to view your account information.


On this page, you will see “Basic Information,” “Payment methods,” and “Favorite care providers.” To change any of this information, click “Edit.” Be sure to save any changes before leaving this page.

Basic Info

Managing Your Dependents

With ChartRequest, it’s easy to request records or forms for a dependent. When you create a request for a dependent, we’ll automatically enter their information into the request. To view and/or edit your dependents, sign in to ChartRequest and click “Dependents” from either the “Dashboard” or the sidebar.

help you do

Add a Dependent

On this screen, you will see your current dependents listed. To add a new dependent, click “Add Dependent.”

Add Dependent

Enter the new dependent’s first name, last name, and date of birth. You may also enter the dependent’s middle name, grade, school, and list any sports they play.

Add Dependent 2

After entering their information, click “Add dependent” to add them to your account. From now on, the dependent will be listed whenever you navigate to the “Dependents” tab in your account.

If you decide not to add the dependent, you can click “Cancel” to return to the dashboard.

Edit or Remove a Dependent

You can edit or remove a dependent by clicking their name from the “Dependents” page and opening the “Details” tab.

To edit a dependent, click “Edit” and make any desired changes. Remember to click “Save” before navigating away from the page.

To delete a dependent, click “Edit,” “Remove Dependent,” then “Yes, delete.”

Edit or Remove

How Do I change My Email Address and/or Password as a Patient?

To edit your account information as a patient, including email address and password, sign in to ChartRequest and hover over your name in the top right corner. Click “Profile” to view your account information.

Change Email

On this page, you will see “Basic Information,” “Payment methods,” and “Favorite care providers.” To change any of this information, click “Edit.” Be sure to save any changes before leaving this page.

Basic Info

How to request a refund as a patient

If medical records you received through ChartRequest are inaccurate, incomplete, or incorrectly priced, you can submit a refund request. To make a refund request as a patient, sign in to ChartRequest and click the “Support” tab on the sidebar.

Contact Us

Click “Request a Refund” to review your requests eligible for a possible refund, and choose the request you would like refunded. A request must have been paid within the last 30 days to be eligible.

Enter the amount you want to be refunded in the text input field. The refund amount cannot exceed the amount you paid for the medical records request. If you enter a value greater than the amount you paid, you’ll get an error message when you try to submit the form.

Next, you’ll be asked for the reason for the refund request. Click the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate option from the following list:

-Statutory pricing incorrectly applied
-Canceled request
-Records not produced according to the order form
-Credit card charged incorrectly
-Duplicative requests submitted

Enter additional comments in the text field, including a detailed explanation regarding the reason for your refund request. To support your refund request, you can upload any relevant documentation.

You can only upload files in PDF format. To add a PDF to your refund request, click “Upload Document” and select a file from your computer. The maximum file size is 20 MB, and you can upload up to three files.

Enter your mailing address in the following input fields, and click “Request Refund” to submit your request.

You can get an error message after clicking “Request Refund” for one or both of the following reasons:

-If you’ve enter a value that exceeds the dollar amount you paid under “Requested Refund Amount”
-If you haven’t completed all of the required fields

If you get an error message because the dollar amount you entered is too high, check how much you paid for your records and enter a number less than or equal to that amount. If you get an error message because you didn’t complete a required field, scroll to the relevant field and enter the requested information.

After you’ve submitted your refund request, you’ll see a confirmation message on the screen and receive an email confirming that your refund request has been received. Both the confirmation message and email will inform you how long it should take us to review your refund request, usually 7-10 business days.

Click the “Records & Forms” tab and click the medical records request for which you submitted a refund request to see an overview of the request and check its status. To request or provide additional information, you can either click “Messages” or scroll to the bottom of the request to find the “Messages” field.

You’ll receive an email notification once we review your refund request.

If your refund request has been approved and you paid for your records with a credit card, your refund will be issued to your original payment account within three to five business days. If you paid with a check, your refund will be issued via check. Please allow 10 to 14 business days for the check to arrive.

If your refund request has been denied, you’ll receive an email stating the reason(s).

If you have further questions about why your refund request was denied, you can contact us by phone at (888) 895-8366 or by email at [email protected].

To request medical records for yourself or a family member, create an account and/or sign in to ChartRequest. Check out our article on how to create your account if you would like help.

In the dashboard, click “Records” to begin your request.

Request Records

Search for the custodian’s state and name to select them for the request. (The custodian is the provider or facility in possession of medical records).

You will need to specify who you are requesting records for. If you do not see the name of the individual for whom you are requesting records, click “Someone else” to enter their information.

Who is the patient

Next, select the dates of service you would like to retrieve records from. There are 4 options, and a calendar will appear when you select any option except “All.” The options are as follows:

All – This will request all of the individual’s records from this provider. 

After – This will select only the dates of service after the selected date

Before – This will select only the dates of service before the selected date

Between – This will select only the dates of service between two selected dates

Which dates

You can either electronically sign our form by clicking “Patient e-Authorization” or upload your authorization in a PDF file by clicking “General Release.”

Select Auth

If you choose to e-sign your authorization, you will need to fill out your full name, initials, date of birth, and specify whether you are signing for yourself or on behalf of the requestor. Social Security number is optional. Once finished, click “Accept and Sign.”

If you would rather submit an existing authorization, either drag and drop the PDF file from your computer or click “Browse For A File” and select it via your file explorer.

General Release

In the next window, you will see an estimated cost for the requested record retrieval services. Please note that a finalized cost will be determined based on custodian fees and request details once your records are ready to be downloaded.


You will need to authorize a credit card for payment by entering your initials into the blank field. Your payment will be taken automatically once your request has been fulfilled unless the final price exceeds $250. If this is the case, you will be asked to authorize the final price before you can download your records.

Confirm Payment

After clicking “Confirm Payment, you will be asked to review the request details to ensure accuracy. Check each section, correct any errors with the “Edit” button, and click “Submit Request” to send it to the selected provider or facility.

Please Review

You will be notified via email when your request has been processed and your records are available for download. 

When your request has been processed and your records are available for download, you will receive a notification via email. Sign in to ChartRequest and navigate to the “Records & Forms” tab in the sidebar. 

Records & Forms

Your authorized payment will be taken automatically as long as the final price does not exceed $250. If your final price does exceed $250, you can set the “Select Request Status” filter to “Priced” to make finding the specific request easier. If you need help making your payment, check out our article on paying for a request.

Records & Forms

Once your payment has been processed, you can set the status filter to “Complete,” and click the request for records you would like to download.

Records & Forms 2

Navigate to the “Records” section under “Request Details” and click “Download All” to download a .PDF file containing your records. 

Med Form Request

To upload your authorization as a patient, sign in to ChartRequest. Create a new request by clicking “Requests” in the “Dashboard” sidebar or navigate to your draft by clicking the “Records & Forms” sidebar. You can either electronically sign our form by clicking “Patient e-Authorization” or upload your authorization in a PDF file by clicking “General Release.”

Select Auth

If you choose to e-sign your authorization, you will need to fill out your full name, initials, date of birth, and specify whether you are signing for yourself or on behalf of the requestor. Social Security number is optional. Once finished, click “Accept and Sign.”

Ind Auth

If you would rather submit an existing authorization, either drag and drop the PDF file from your computer or click “Browse For A File” and select it via your file explorer.

General Release

To check the status of a request as a patient, sign in to ChartRequest and click “Records and Forms” on the side banner. Each request will have the current status highlighted in grey beside the request ID. You may also use the “Select Request Status” filter to find all requests of that specific status.

Records and Forms

If you would like to communicate with the custodian retrieving your records directly, click the relevant request and navigate to “Messages.” 

Request Details

You can easily request a school, camp, or disability form with ChartRequest.

Begin by logging into the Patient Hub. When you’re on the dashboard, click on “Forms.” 

Selecting a Provider

This brings you to the step where you can select the healthcare provider from whom you’re requesting a form. 

If you’ve saved any providers to your Favorites list, they’ll be listed here and you can select one.

If the provider isn’t on your Favorites list, enter their name or location (state) and click “Search.” 

You can also search for providers in your neighborhood by clicking on the map. An advanced search option that allows you to input zip code, specialty, and other parameters will soon be added.

The search results will appear below the search boxes.

Click on the “Select” button next to a provider’s name to select them. 

You can also add a provider to your Favorites list by clicking on the star next to their name.

Once you’ve selected a provider, you’ll be advanced to the next step.

Selecting a Patient

Next, you can select the patient for whom the form will be made out. You can select yourself, a dependent, or “Other.”

If you select yourself or a dependent, the personal details will be automatically filled out and you can proceed to the next step. 

If you select “Other,” you’ll be taken to a page where you can input the patient’s details.

The patient’s first name, last name, and date of birth are required fields.

The patient’s middle name and social security number are optional fields. 

Click “Continue.”

Uploading a Form

In this step, you’ll be asked what type of form you need. Depending on the healthcare provider from whom you’re requesting a form, you may see up to five different types of forms listed. 

If you don’t see the type of form you need listed, select “Other.” This will allow you to upload your own form.

You can drag and drop a file to the appropriate field.

You can also browse for a file and upload it from your computer or drive.

Click “Continue.”

The Patient e-Authorization Form

Here, you can read and sign the patient e-authorization form. 

This is an individual electronic records release authorization form that, when signed, gives the custodian of records—the healthcare provider—and/or ChartRequest permission to disclose or obtain private health information—or PHI. 

You need to sign the patient e-authorization form in order to request form completion. Without a signed patient authorization, the provider and/or ChartRequest is not legally permitted to release or obtain the PHI.

If you want your records release authorization form to specify that only certain PHI is released or that certain PHI will not be released, you can choose to upload your own authorization form. This is helpful if there’s PHI you do not want disclosed. 

Here is an example of a customizable authorization for the release of medical information.

To upload your own authorization form, click on “Browse” and select the appropriate file from your computer or drive.

You can also drag and drop a file from your device onto the upload field.

You can currently only upload PDFs.

Click on “Continue” to upload the file. 

Signing Your Patient e-Authorization Form 

In the “Adopt Your Signature” form that appears next, you’ll be prompted to fill out your full name, initials, and date of birth. These are required fields.

You’ll also be asked whether you’re the patient, the patient’s guardian, or the patient’s power of attorney (PoA). This is a required field.

Your social security number is an optional field.

Fill out the required form fields and click on “Adopt and Sign” to submit the form.

Paying for Your Request Jump 

Next, you can submit your payment for the form completion. 

If you already have a payment method saved to your account, it will appear here and you can select it.

If you want to add a new credit card, click “Add New Card.” Fill out the credit or debit card number, expiration date, and CVC—which is the three- or four-digit code on the back. Click “Save.”

After selecting the payment method you want to use, click “Confirm Payment.” 

Reviewing and Submitting Your Request 

On the next screen, you can review your request. 

If any of the data is incorrect, you can go back and correct it.

When all the data is correct, click “Submit Request.” Your request will be submitted to the provider. Each request has a unique request ID that you can use to search for the request and/or to monitor its status.

When you go to the dashboard or when you click on “Records & Forms” in the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen, you can see a list of the records and forms requests you’ve submitted.

You’ll receive an email notification when your records are ready to be downloaded.

Healthcare Provider Users

To create your healthcare provider account, click here to reach the signup screen and sign up as a professional. 


Enter your information as requested. Once submitted, you will need to verify your account via either email or text to complete the signup process. Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see the verification email. 

All new accounts will need to fill out an onboarding survey form to provide important account information. Additionally, if you are signing up as a healthcare provider, your account will need to be reviewed and approved by the ChartRequest team before it can be used.

Watch this helpful video that explains how to set up a custodian account:

For provider users, the care coordination website hosts a majority of ChartRequest’s features. The sheer multitude of options may seem daunting at first glance, so let’s break it down.


To the left of the page, you will see the navigation sidebar. The options are “Close,” “Dashboard,” “Inbound,” “Outbound,” “Referrals,” “Record Request,” “Walk-in Request,” “Referral Network,” and “Check Request Status.” 

“Close” will simply minimize the navigation sidebar so only the images appear. While minimized, you can still click the images to navigate around the care coordination website. 

“Dashboard” is the home page of the care coordination website. Here you can make a request for records, upload authorizations from walk-in requestors, and refer a patient to another provider

Beneath these options, you can view your outbound and inbound requests and filter them by status. Click a request to review the details and make any edits or comments. You can also click the gears icon to select the information that appears for each request.

If you would prefer to use the legacy website, click “Go to ROI Module.” Please note that functions are limited in this version of the application.


When you click “Inbound” on the sidebar, three additional options will appear: “Incomplete,” “Messages,” and “Rush Requests.” These options quickly filter the inbound requests to show those that need prompt attention. 

“Incomplete” will show requests that still need to be retrieved.

“Messages” will show requests with messages from the requestor.

“Rush Requests” will show requests that were made with the rush service. These requests should take priority when retrieving records.

Menu Choice

The “Outbound” option will bring you to a page similar to the “Outbound” section of the dashboard, but here you will also be able to make an “Advanced Search.”


The “Referrals” option will bring you to a page where you can create and review both incoming and outgoing patient referrals. 


The “Records Request” option will open the same records request workflow as the “Request Records” option in the dashboard.

The “Walk-in Request” option will open the same walk-in management page as the “Walk-in Request option in the dashboard.

The “Referral Network” option will help you easily review and manage the other providers in your network.

The “Check Request Status” option will allow you to search a record by ID number to check its status.

Click your facility’s name in the top right corner for four additional options: “My Account,” “My Organization,” “Assign Permissions,” and “Logout.”

Click “My Account” to open your account settings. Here you can manage your account information such as email address and password, your favorite custodians, and your status notification settings by clicking “Edit” above the appropriate field.

Click “My Organization” to manage your organization information such as your landing page link and your facility details. Under the “Clinical / Admin” settings, you can set up a review checklist, select a “Clinical Reviewer” within your organization, and select frequent walk-in requestors.

Here you can also select the additional services you offer and invite colleagues to join your organization. 

Click “Assign Permissions” to select which types of users within your organization can utilize certain functions. You can hover over the blocks in the “Request Workflow” column for a description of each permission. Click an empty box to add a check, or a filled box to remove it. 

To add a new user to your provider account, sign in to ChartRequest and navigate to the care coordination page. Click your organization’s name in the top right corner and select “My Organization.”

Scroll to the bottom of this page to find your list of account users. Click “Invite Your Colleagues” 

Enter the user’s information and click “Send Invitation” to email them an invitation to join your organization.

If you would prefer to use the legacy platform, click the “My Organization” tab from the top banner. Under “General Settings,” click “Invite Your Colleagues.” 

Enter the name and email address of anyone you want to access your account and click “Send Invite.” To view your current users, click “View X User(s).”

This video will provide a step-by-step guide to adding new users to your account via the legacy platform:

To edit your account information as a provider, including email address and password, sign in to ChartRequest. If you are using the care coordination page, click your facility’s name in the top right corner. Click “My Account” to view your account information.

Here, you will be able to review your account details, edit your password, view your favorite custodians, and change your notification preferences. To edit any information, click the “Edit” button for the appropriate section. Remember to click “Save” before navigating off the page.

If you are using the ROI page, click your name in the top right corner and click “My Account.”

Here you will be able to edit your account information, including your email address and password.

ChartRequest makes creating a new patient referral easy.

In the care coordination dashboard, navigate to “Refer a Patient” and click “Start Referral.” On the next screen, you’ll see a list of the information you need to create a new referral:

  • Provider information
  • Patient information and appointment preferences
  • Medical, billing, and/or image records

Gather the information and click “Continue.” As you progress through the workflow, the steps you’ve completed will be highlighted in blue at the top of the screen. Click “Continue” at the bottom of each page to advance through the workflow.

Step 1: Enter the Patient’s Details
You’ll be prompted to enter the patient’s full name. If you’ve previously requested records for this patient, you can search for their name to autofill the information. 

Enter the patient’s date of birth using the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.  You can input the date manually, or you can click on the green line to bring up the calendar and select the right date.

Enter the patient’s social security number. Providing the patient’s SSN isn’t a required step, but it helps with patient identification. Try to provide at least the last four digits of the patient’s SSN preceded by five zeros. If you don’t want to provide an SSN, you can skip this step by clicking on “Continue.”

Enter the patient’s phone number and/or email address. This optional step also helps with patient identification. Additionally, we may use these contact details to send alerts to the patient.

Step 2: Select Provider
Search for the provider’s name and state, and click “Search.” Select the correct provider from the list, and their name will appear above the list next to “Selected Provider.”

You can also search using the map. Hold “ctrl” on your keyboard and scroll or click the “+” or “-” on the map to zoom in and out. You can also click and drag to move across the map. When you’ve found the provider you’re looking for, click to select them.

There are two filters you can apply with just a click: “Favorites” and “Nearby.” “Favorites” brings up a list of providers you’ve previously marked as favorites, while “Nearby” shows local providers.

If you can’t find the provider you’re looking for, click “Advanced Search” at the bottom of the page to pull up a search form. Fill out one or more fields to search for your provider. 

If you still don’t see your provider, they might not be in our network yet. Click “Suggest Provider” to enter their details, and our team will then review your suggestion and add the provider to our network.

Step 3: Upload Files
You can skip this step if you don’t want to share any files.

To upload any files you’d like to share with the receiving provider, drag and drop a file onto the appropriate field, or click “browse” to select one from your computer. You can upload the following file types:

  • Medical records
  • Billing records
  • Imaging records
  • Forms
  • Other documents

These files can have the following extensions:

  • PDF: .pdf
  • Sheet: .csv, .xls, or .xlsx
  • Image: .png, .jpg, .tiff, or .bmp
  • Media: .mov, .avi, or .mov
  • Doc: .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt

Once you’ve uploaded one or more files, you can save the referral as a draft. If you want to come back to it later, you’ll be prompted to save the referral and exit. This will bring you back to the ChartRequest dashboard.

Step 4: Appointment Preferences
If the patient hasn’t indicated any preferences, you can skip this step.

Provide up to 3 times that the patient prefers for their appointment, and fill out the date in the format MM/DD/YYYY. You can also click on the calendar and select a date.

Select the time of day the patient prefers. There are three time periods available:

  • Morning — 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Afternoon — 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • Evening — 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Step 5: Request Return Records
Select the type(s) of records you’d like to receive from the referral partner after the patient’s referral appointment. There are three types of records you can request:

  • Medical records
    Billing records

You can also add notes in the comment field to share additional information about the patient. 

Click “Verify Referral Details” to review your referral before submitting it. You can edit the referral by clicking “Edit” in the appropriate section and saving the changes.

Click “Submit Referral” and confirm if you’re ready to send the referral to the selected provider. Click “Cancel” if you don’t want to move forward with the referral. 

After submitting the referral, a confirmation screen with the referral ID will appear. Click the referral ID in the outbound tab of your referral dashboard to review it.

To check on the status of a referral, log in to the platform. In the dashboard, search for the referral ID you received when submitting the referral. The status will be listed next to the ID.

When the provider you’ve submitted a referral to receives it, the referral status will change from “Referred” to “Viewed.” You can abandon the referral and refer the patient to a different provider if they do not view the request in a timely fashion. In addition, all referrals will be automatically abandoned after 14 days in the “Referred” status. 

The patient does not receive the referral. The provider will contact them by phone or email to schedule an appointment. 

Log in to ChartRequest, and click Care Coordination at the end of the banner to navigate to the care coordination dashboard. Click the “Referral Management” icon in the toolbar to the left. This will bring you to a view of your outbound and inbound referrals. To see your inbound referrals, click the “Inbound” tab.

In the inbound view, you will see a list of your referrals. For each referral, you’ll see:

  • Tag
  • Status
  • ID
  • Referring Provider
  • Patient Name
  • Last Updated

The status can list:

  • Referred
  • Viewed
  • Abandoned by Receiving Provider
  • Incomplete
  • Scheduled
  • Loop Closed

You’ll also see a series of filters above the listed referrals:

  • All
  • Referred
  • Viewed
  • Abandoned
  • Scheduled
  • Loop Closed
  • Incomplete 

When you select a filter, it will be highlighted in blue. The number behind each filter indicates the number of referrals you have in that category. You can highlight multiple filters at once, which will show the collective total of the categories in your inbound view. You will see a filtered view of the referrals in your inbox. 

Accepting or Declining a Referral

When you’re in the inbound tab, ensure the “Referred” filter is highlighted. Click a referred item to either decline or accept the referral. To protect the patient’s privacy, the details of the referral remain blurred until accepted. 

If you click “Decline,” you’ll be asked to select either “Not accepting new patients” or “Other” as the reason. If you select “Other,” you’ll be prompted to enter the reason before returning to the inbound view.

Viewing the Details of a Referral

After accepting a referral, you’ll be able to see the details. The patient’s information is on the top left of the screen, and the referring provider’s details and comments are on the top right next to the referral’s status.

Below these sections, you’ll see two tabs: “Schedule Appointment” and “Close the Loop.” If the referring provider included any patient preferences regarding an appointment date and time, they will be listed here.

Communicating with the Referring Provider

Once you’ve accepted a referral, you can send the referring provider a direct message. 

On the bottom right side of the screen, click “Communication & Activity.” A gray field will appear for communication with the provider. Enter your message into the field and click “Send,” and the referring provider will be notified. 

When the referring provider replies, you’ll receive a text or email notification. Log in to the referral and click “Messages” below the patient details. You can also navigate to the “Communication” field to read the referring provider’s response.

Logging Activity on a Referral

Once you’ve accepted the referral, you can log any attempt to schedule an appointment by clicking “Communication & Activity” on the bottom right of the screen. A gray field will appear with two options:

  • Log a call
  • Log an email

All other activity on a referral is logged automatically, including the date, time, and name of the user who performed the activity.

Auditing Activity on a Referral

At any point after accepting a referral, you can review the activity on it. In the inbound view, open the referral you wish to review. On the bottom right, click “Communication & Activity.” A gray field will appear with an area marked “Activity.”

Below, you’ll see a full audit trail of all activities pertaining to this specific referral, along with the date and time for each entry. Below each entry, you’ll also see the name of the user who performed the activity. Scroll up or down to navigate through the list.

Abandoning a Referral

If you’re unable to move forward with a referral after viewing the details, click “Abandon Referral” on the bottom left of the screen. You’ll be asked to provide a reason from the following options:

  • Could not reach the patient
  • Out of network
  • Not accepting new patients
  • Patient preference
  • Services not performed at this practice

When you make your selection, you will be asked to confirm that you want to abandon the request along with your reason. Click “Abandon” to abandon the referral and return to the inbound view.

Marking a Referral as Incomplete

If you need more information from the referring provider before scheduling an appointment with the patient, you can mark the referral incomplete by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking “Mark as Incomplete.”

You’ll be prompted to state a reason for marking the referral as incomplete; select “Patient Name Missing” or “Other.”

If you select “Patient Name Missing,” a dialogue will appear for confirmation. If you select “Other,” you’ll need to enter your reason for marking the referral incomplete. Next, click “Mark as Incomplete” to complete the action and return to the inbound view. The referring provider will be notified that they must add the necessary information to complete the referral request.

Scheduling an Appointment

To schedule an appointment with the referred patient, use the patient’s phone number or email address listed below the patient’s name and date of birth. Referrals may list up to three of the patient’s appointment preferences to help you schedule an appointment at a convenient time.

When you’ve confirmed an appointment with the patient, enter the date in the format MM/DD/YYYY, and enter the time in the format HH/MM. Click the clock icon to the right of the time entry, and click “Confirm.”

Closing the Loop

The “Close the Loop” tab will be highlighted when you open a referral after scheduling an appointment with the patient. On the right side of the screen, you can see the details of the referral appointment in the format Day, MM/DD/YYYY at HH:MM.

On the left side of the screen, you can click any files from the referring provider to download them according to your browser preferences.

After the appointment, you can upload any records you’d like to share with the referring provider. Drag and drop files to upload them, or click “Browse” to upload them from your computer or cloud.

The three types of records you can share are:

  • Medical records
  • Imaging records
  • Billing records

These files can have the following extensions:

  • PDF: .pdf
  • Sheet: .csv, .xls, or .xlsx
  • Image: .png, .jpg, .tiff, or .bmp
  • Media: .mov, .avi, or .mov
  • Doc: .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt

If you want to share any additional information with the referring provider, you can enter your message into the notes field.

Click “Close the Loop” once you’ve shared any relevant information. You’ll see a dialogue advising you that you can’t edit the referral after confirming. Click “Cancel” to return to the previous screen, or click “Close the Loop” to confirm and return to the inbound view of your dashboard.

Once you confirm, the referring provider will receive a notification that you’ve closed the loop, and they’ll be notified of any records and/or messages you’ve shared with them.

To create a care coordination request with another provider, sign in to ChartRequest and navigate to the care coordination page. Once you reach the dashboard, click “Make a Request.”

Request Records

You will be brought to the request workflow, where you will input information on the left side. To make any edits throughout the process, click the live form on the right. Click “Start” to begin.

Good Evening, Katie

First, you will need to enter the patient’s information. Enter the patient’s first and last name, date of birth, and optionally their social security number, phone number, and the date and time of their next appointment. 

Enter the Patient's Full Name

Now select a provider to coordinate with. You can search via state or name to find the correct provider, or filter the results by your favorites or nearby providers. When you find the correct provider, you can click the star to add them to your favorites, or click “Request” to select them.

search Provider Wayne

Select the types of records you would like to retrieve, and fill out the dates of service you would like to receive records from. There are 4 options, and a calendar will appear when you select any option except “All.” The options are as follows:

All – This will request all of the individual’s records from this provider. 

After – This will select only the dates of service after the selected date.

Before – This will select only the dates of service before the selected date.

Between – This will select only the dates of service between two selected dates.

Request Details

Next, review your request for accuracy, and click “Edit” if you need to make any changes. Check the box labeled “Fax Nudge” if you would like us to fax a reminder to the provider, then click “Submit Request.”

Review Care Coordination


To review your request, navigate to either the dashboard or the “Outbound” page. Click the request you wish to review to open the details.

Outbound Inbound

Here you can view the request details. If you would like to abandon the request, click “Abandon Request” at the bottom of the page and confirm. 

Sam Smith

You can also either click “Messages” or scroll down to the bottom of the page to reach the “Communication” window. Click “Activity” to open a log of every update regarding your request. To interact directly with the provider, you can use the “Provider Messages” box to send any questions or details.


You may also watch this video for a step-by-step walkthrough:

To check the status of a request as a provider, sign in to ChartRequest and navigate to the care coordination website. View your “Outbound” requests either on the “Dashboard” or the “Outbound Requests” tab in the sidebar. Each request will have the current status listed under the “Status” column. You may also use the “Select Request Status” filter to find all requests of that specific status.

Outbound Inbound

Here you can view the request details. If you would like to abandon the request, click “Abandon Request” at the bottom of the page and confirm. 

Sam Smith

You can also either click “Messages” or scroll down to the bottom of the page to reach the “Communication” window. Click “Activity” to open a log of every update regarding your request. To interact directly with the provider, you can use the “Provider Messages” box to send any questions or details.


When your requested records have been retrieved, you will receive a notification via email. To view the retrieved records, sign in to ChartRequest, navigate to the care coordination website, and select the “Completed” tab of your “Outbound” requests.

Law Firm Users

To create your account, click here to reach the signup screen. Sign up as a patient to access your own records or those of your family, or sign up as a professional if you are a healthcare provider, law firm, insurance agency, government agency, etc. 


Enter your information as requested. Once submitted, you will need to verify your account via either email or text to complete the signup process. Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see the verification email. 

All new accounts will need to fill out an onboarding survey form to provide important account information. Additionally, if you are signing up as a healthcare provider, your account will need to be reviewed and approved by the ChartRequest team before it can be used.

Watch this helpful video that explains how to set up a requestor account:

On the left side of the screen, you will see the navigation sidebar. The options are “Close,” “Dashboard,” “Outbound,” “Record Request,” and “Check Request Status.” 

“Close” will simply minimize the navigation sidebar so only the images appear. While minimized, you can still click the images to navigate around the application.

ChartRequest Dashboard

“Dashboard” is the home page of the care coordination website. Here you can make a request for records and check the status of your request. 

Beneath these options, you can view your outbound requests and filter them by status. Click a request to review the details and make any edits or comments. You can also click the gears icon to select the information that appears for each request.

If you would prefer to use the legacy website, click “Switch to Classic View.” 

Request Records Check Request Status

The “Outbound” option will bring you to a page similar to the “Outbound” section of the dashboard, but here you will also be able to make an “Advanced Search.”


The “Records Request” option will open the same records request workflow as the “Request Records” option in the dashboard.

Request Records Button

Request Records

The “Check Request Status” option will allow you to search a record by ID number to check its status.

Check Request Status

Request Status

Click your facility’s name in the top right corner for four additional options: “My Account,” “My Organization,” and “Logout.”

Smith Law2

Smith Law1

Click “My Account” to open your account settings. Here you can manage your account information such as email address and password, your favorite custodians, and your status notification settings by clicking “Edit” above the appropriate field.

My Account

Click “My Organization” to edit your location and contact information, keep a list of your designated physicians, and manage your credit cards.

My Organization

You can also scroll down to invite colleagues to join your organization. 


To edit your account information as a law firm user, including email address and password, sign in to ChartRequest and click your name in the top right corner. Click “My Account” to view your account information.

Smith Law2Smith Law1 Here, you will be able to review your account details, edit your password, view your favorite custodians, and change your notification preferences. To edit any information, click the “Edit” button for the appropriate section. Remember to click “Save” before navigating off the page.

My Account

When creating a new request as a law firm user, sign in to ChartRequest and navigate to the “Outbound” tab in the sidebar or on the dashboard. You can set the “Select Request Status” filter to “Priced” to make finding the specific request easier. 

Click the priced request to review the details, status updates, and messages. Navigate to the “Payment” section to download your invoice and/or make a payment. 

Once you’ve clicked “Make Payment,” you will see a breakdown of the final price. Select an existing credit card to pay, or click “Add Card” to enter a new credit card. Click “Pay for Request” to submit your payment. Your records will be available once payment has been processed.

If medical records you received through ChartRequest are inaccurate, incomplete, or incorrectly priced, you can submit a refund request.Log in to the ChartRequest platform, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click “Switch to Classic View.” 

Request Records Check Request Status

Click “Request a Refund” to review your requests eligible for a possible refund, and choose the request you would like refunded. A request must have been paid within the last 30 days to be eligible.

Your Requests (1)

Enter the amount you want to be refunded in the text input field. The refund amount cannot exceed the amount you paid for the medical records request. If you enter a value greater than the amount you paid, you’ll get an error message when you try to submit the form.

Next, you’ll be asked for the reason for the refund request. Click the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate option from the following list:

  • Statutory pricing incorrectly applied
  • Canceled request
  • Records not produced according to the order form
  • Credit card charged incorrectly
  • Duplicative requests submitted
  • Other 

Enter additional comments in the text field, including a detailed explanation regarding the reason for your refund request. To support your refund request, you can upload any relevant documentation.

You can only upload files in PDF format. To add a PDF to your refund request, click “Upload Document” and select a file from your computer. The maximum file size is 20 MB, and you can upload up to three files.

Enter your mailing address in the following input fields, and click “Request Refund” to submit your request.

You can get an error message after clicking “Request Refund” for one or both of the following reasons:

  • If you’ve entered a value that exceeds the dollar amount you paid under “Requested Refund Amount”
  • If you haven’t completed all of the required fields

If you get an error message because the dollar amount you entered is too high, check how much you paid for your records and enter a number less than or equal to that amount. If you get an error message because you didn’t complete a required field, scroll to the relevant field and enter the requested information.

After you’ve submitted your refund request, you’ll see a confirmation message on the screen and receive an email confirming that your refund request has been received. Both the confirmation message and email will inform you how long it should take us to review your refund request, usually 7-10 business days.

Click “Back to Home” to return to the homepage, where you can click the medical records request for which you submitted a refund request to see an overview of the request and check its status. If you scroll to the bottom of the provider chat on the right side of the screen, you’ll see “Refund request submitted,” along with the details of the user who submitted the refund request.

You’ll receive an email notification once we review your refund request. 

If your refund request has been approved and you paid for your records with a credit card, your refund will be issued to your original payment account within three to five business days. If you paid with a check, your refund will be issued via check. Please allow 10 to 14 business days for the check to arrive.

If your refund request has been denied, you’ll receive an email stating the reason(s). 

If you have further questions about why your refund request was denied, you can contact us by phone at (888) 895-8366 or by email at [email protected].

Creating a new medical records request is quick and easy with ChartRequest. It only takes around 10 minutes, depending on the number of custodians from whom you need to request records.

Begin by logging in to your account on the ChartRequest platform. 

From the dashboard, you can request records or check the status of a request. Click “Make a Request” in the “Request Records” section at the top left of the screen.

Request Records

You’ll see a message stating that you’re creating a new request for medical records on behalf of your firm. You’ll also see that you can request records for one patient from multiple organizations at the same time.

When you’re ready to begin making a request, click “Start.”

On the next screen, you’ll see a progress bar with light gray tabs at the top of the page. Tabs will turn blue as you complete their corresponding steps in the request creation process:

  1. Add patient information
  2. Select providers
  3. Add request details
  4. Upload authorization
  5. Select payment method
  6. Approve estimate


Step 1: Add Patient Information:

Enter the patient’s first and last names, their middle name is optional. Enter the patient’s date of birth. Use the format MM/DD/YYYY, or click the empty field to bring up a calendar and select the appropriate date. In addition, you can provide the patient’s social security number, phone number, and email address to help expedite your request.

Enter the Patient's Full Name Enter the Patient Details

Click “Next,” even if you do not wish to enter this information. You’ll be prompted to enter case reference information such as a tracking number or case number. This field is optional and is intended for internal use for your firm. The tracking or case number will be visible in the request details after you submit the request.

Click “Continue’ to proceed to the next screen.

Step 2: Select Providers

Select up to 20 custodian or provider organizations from whom you’re requesting medical records. 

  • Enter the state where the custodian is located and/or enter their name and click “Search.” This will give you a list of matching custodians and pull up a map of the results. 
  • You can filter your search results by “Favorites,” “Nearby,” or “Recent Searches.”
    • Applying the filter “Favorites” brings up a list of custodians you’ve added to your “Favorites” list.
    • Applying the filter “Nearby” brings up a list of custodians in your vicinity.
    • Applying the filter “Recent Searches” brings up a list of recent search results.

select providers

Click the checkbox after a custodian’s name to select it. You’ll see the name(s) of the selected custodian(s) appear after “Selected Facility.”

If you don’t see the custodian you’re looking for, click “Advanced Search” at the bottom of the page. This brings up a form where you can enter the custodian’s city, state, zip, and specialty. You can also apply the filters “Favorites” or “Nearby.” Select the custodian you’re looking for, and click “Done” to continue.

If you still don’t see the custodian after performing an advanced search, click “Suggest a Provider.” This brings up a form that requests the custodian’s organization name, address, fax number, phone number, and email address. Click “Done” to submit the form to our team so we can follow up with the custodian and add them to our network.

If you want to deselect a custodian, you can click the cross mark to the right of the custodian’s name in the gray field at the top of the form. You can also deselect the checkbox next to the custodian’s name in the list of custodians.

Once you’ve selected the custodian(s), click “Continue” to go to the next screen.

Step 3: Add Request Details

In step 3, you can make request specifications for each of the selected custodians. From here onward, you have the option to save a request as a draft. To do so, click “Save Draft” at the top right of the screen. You’ll be prompted to “Save & Exit,” “Save & Continue,” or “Cancel.” 

  • Click “Save & Exit” to save the draft and return to the dashboard.
  • Click “Save & Continue” to save the draft and continue working on the request.
  • Click “Cancel” to exit the dialogue and continue working on the request.

Request Records request records

For each custodian, choose the type of records you want (medical, images, and/or billing). Enter the appropriate dates of service in the MM/DD/YYYY format. You can use one of the following modifiers if you need a range of dates:

  • After
  • Before
  • Between
  • All

For the first three options, you can also click the field to bring up a calendar where you can select the appropriate dates. If you need all the patient’s records from this custodian, select “All.” 

Select any additional services you’d like to order. Depending on the custodian, you can choose from:

  • Record certification
  • Witness fee
  • Notarize records
  • Medical images
  • Deposition forms
  • Affidavit
  • Archived records search
  • Disability form
  • Film breakdown
  • FMLA form(s)
  • And more!

For each service listed, you’ll see the corresponding fee. This will be added to your total fee when you complete your order. If you selected “Images” as your records type, the checkbox next to “Medical Images” in the “Additional Services” column will be automatically selected. Click “Next” to complete this field.

Once you’ve clicked “Next,” you’ll be prompted to request specifications for the next custodian on the list. If you want the same types of records from the same date ranges with the same additional services from all custodians, click “Apply Selections to All Providers.”

If you’ve applied the same selection for all custodians on the list but need to change the request details for one, click on the blue downward-facing arrow in the top right corner of the bounding box. The listing will expand, and you can change your request specifications. Click “Next” to go to the next custodian on the list.

If you need to add another provider after making request specifications for the selected custodians, click “Back” to return to the previous screen and add the custodian to your list. 

If you haven’t filled out all the request specifications for a selected custodian, the boundary box around it will turn red, and the alert “Please make request specifications for all the providers” will appear at the top of the page. Complete the necessary fields to continue.

When you’ve filled out all the request specifications for each custodian, click “Continue” to proceed to the next screen.

Choose your preferred delivery method between electronic download or fax return. Keep in mind that some custodians may not offer fax returns or downloads. In this case, your final invoice will be adjusted based on custodian preferences, and your order may be delivered via an alternative method.

Select Request Details

Enter the reason(s) for the request. Click on the button next to “Select reason(s) to pull up a scroll list of reasons. You can select:

  • Change of insurance coverage
  • Disability determination (DDS)
  • Life insurance
  • Litigation
  • Moving from area/ Transfer of records
  • Work/camp/school forms
  • Second medical opinion
  • Social security
  • Transfer of care/ Changing doctors
  • Personal injury
  • Medical malpractice
  • Worker’s compensation
  • Risk adjustment/ Medicare Advantage
  • Risk adjustment/ Commercial exchange
  • Risk adjustment/ RADV
  • Risk adjustment/ Medicaid
  • Claims review
  • Continuity of care/ Referral
  • ERE
  • Other
  • Care Coordination

You’re required to select at least one reason, and there’s no limit to the amount you may choose. When you select a reason, it will appear in a gray field next to “Select reason(s).” If you want to deselect a reason, click on the cross mark in the gray field to the right of the reason.

Note that once you’ve selected a reason, you have to keep at least one selected in order to continue. If you only select one but it is incorrect and you want to deselect it, add the correct reason to the list before you deselect the incorrect reason.

If you want to share any additional information about the request with the custodian, you can leave a comment in the following field.

Click “Continue” to proceed to the next screen.

Step 4: Add Authorization

In step 4, you’ll be prompted to submit a patient authorization form for each custodian from whom you’re requesting records. You may either upload an authorization file or send the patient a form to electronically authorize

Patient Authorization

If you choose to send the patient the authorization form, simply select the mode(s) of delivery and enter the appropriate contact information.

Send Authorization

If you choose to upload a patient authorization form, drag and drop the file onto the appropriate field. You can also click “Browse” to open a file explorer window and “Select” to add the authorization form from your computer.

Submit Patient Authorization

You’ll be prompted to choose what type of authorization it is. Examples include the following:

  • Workers’ compensation claim
  • State social security authorization
  • Subpoena duces tecum
  • General release
  • Patient e-authorize.

An authorization can be the following types:

  • PDF: .pdf
  • Sheet: .csv, .xls, or .xlsx
  • Image: .png, .jpg, .tiff, or .bmp
  • Media: .mov, .avi, or .mov
  • Doc: .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt

If you uploaded the wrong file, click the red trash can icon to delete it and confirm. If you no longer want to request records from one of the custodians, click “Remove Provider” and confirm.

Once you’ve uploaded authorizations for all custodians on your list, click “Continue” to proceed to the next screen.

Step 5: Select Payment Mode

In step 5, you’ll be prompted to select a payment method. You can pay by check or by credit card.

Schedule a Payment

If you wish to pay by check, select “Check” and click “Continue” to go to the next screen. When the request is filed and the status changes to priced, you’ll receive an invoice with the final amount that’s due. Instructions for mailing the check will be included with the invoice, and your records will be released once payment is received. 

If you want to pay by credit card, click “Add New Credit Card.” In the gray field that appears, enter your credit card number, expiration date, and the CVV code. Click “Save Card” to continue. You can add multiple credit cards this way.

If you click a saved credit card, you’ll notice it turns blue and three options will appear beneath: “Add New Credit Card,” “Delete Credit Card,” and “Share Card With Organization Users.” To share your credit card with all members of your organization or delete it, choose the appropriate option. 

Click “Continue” to proceed to the next screen.

Step 6: Approve Estimate

Your estimated total will appear on the next screen. Click the downward arrow to the right of the estimate for a breakdown of the cost. Note that due to varying custodian and record fees, the final amount may differ from this estimate. Click “Review Request” to go to the next screen.

Request Details

If you need to make any changes to the request, click “Edit” next to the relevant field(s). You will be able to revise the selected fields, and you’ll be brought back to the review screen when you’re finished.

Once the request has been reviewed, click “Submit Request” to submit your request and confirm in the pop-up box. On the next screen, you’ll see a confirmation that your request has been submitted.

Your Request has

Your request will automatically be assigned a request ID number. If you submitted requests to more than one custodian during this session, there will be an ID for each individual request. Requests are listed by ID number in the hub.

ChartRequest sends automatic email updates regarding the status of your request. Regular requests are fulfilled within 7-10 business days and rush requests within 48 hours. There may be additional delays in special cases, such as requests that require an archived record search.

You can check the status of a request any time by going to the dashboard and clicking “Check Status.” Alternatively, you can visit

Check Request Status

Enter the request ID number and click “Check Status.” You’ll see a linear graph representing the progress of your request. The circle will be green for each step completed and gray for those still pending. 

If you want to review a request after you’ve submitted it, view your “Outbound” requests either on the “Dashboard” or the “Outbound Requests” tab in the sidebar. Each request will have the current status listed under the “Status” column. You may also use the “Select Request Status” filter to find all requests of that specific status.

Outbound (1)

Here you can view the request details. If you would like to abandon the request, click “Abandon Request.” A request is automatically abandoned if it isn’t fulfilled within 90 days.

Sam Smith

You can also either click “Messages” or scroll down to the bottom of the page to reach the “Communication” window. Click “Activity” to open a log of every update regarding your request. To interact directly with the provider, you can use the “Provider Messages” box to send any questions or details.


When submitting a request through the ChartRequest platform, you can choose to receive your records either via fax or electronic download. When your requested records have been retrieved, you will receive a notification via email.

When your payment has been processed, the records will be delivered to you via your selected method. Sign in to ChartRequest, navigate to your outbound requests, and select the “Priced” tab to pay for any records or the “Completed” tab to access records after payment has been processed.

To upload your authorization as a law firm client, sign in to ChartRequest. Create a new request by clicking “Request Records” in the “Dashboard” sidebar or navigate to your draft by clicking the “Outbound” sidebar. You can either upload your authorization or send an authorization form to your patient to electronically sign.

How would you like

If you would like to submit an existing authorization, either drag and drop the .PDF file from your computer or click “Browse For A File” and select it via your file explorer. You can upload your authorization in .PDF, .PNG or .JPEG formats.

Have a Patient aut

If you would rather send an authorization form to your patient to electronically sign, enter either their email address or cell phone number and check the appropriate box to select your choice.

We'll send a HIPAA

To check the status of a request as a provider, sign in to ChartRequest and navigate to the care coordination website. View your “Outbound” requests either on the “Dashboard” or the “Outbound Requests” tab in the sidebar. Each request will have the current status listed under the “Status” column. You may also use the “Select Request Status” filter to find all requests of that specific status.

Outbound (1)

Here you can view the request details. If you would like to abandon the request, click “Abandon Request.”  A request is automatically abandoned if it isn’t fulfilled within 90 days.

sam smith

You can also either click “Messages” or scroll down to the bottom of the page to reach the “Communication” window. Click “Activity” to open a log of every update regarding your request. To interact directly with the provider, you can use the “Provider Messages” box to send any questions or details.


Insurance Agent or Other Users

To create your account, click here to reach the signup screen. Sign up as a patient to access your own records or those of your family, or sign up as a professional if you are a healthcare provider, law firm, insurance agency, government agency, etc.  


Enter your information as requested. Once submitted, you will need to verify your account via either email or text to complete the signup process. Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see the verification email. 

All new accounts will need to fill out an onboarding survey form to provide important account information. Additionally, if you are signing up as a healthcare provider, your account will need to be reviewed and approved by the ChartRequest team before it can be used.

Watch this helpful video that explains how to set up a requestor account:

To edit your account information as a patient, including email address and password, sign in to ChartRequest and select the “My Account” tab from the top banner. Click “Edit” to change your account details.

Your Account

To pay online, log into your account here, click “Requests,” and select the “Priced” tab. Choose the records request that you will be paying for and click “Pay with Credit Card” from the request page. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover & Diners credit and debit cards. Please note that prepaid cards are not accepted.

Your Requests

Once your credit card information has been entered, click “Submit Payment.” Your records will be released once payment has been processed. If you experience any difficulties paying online, you can give us a call at 888-895-8366, and we can process your payment over the phone.

If you received an invoice and do not wish to create a ChartRequest account, you can pay by sending a check to:

1200 Abernathy Rd NE
Suite 450
Atlanta, GA 30328

If medical records you received through ChartRequest are inaccurate, incomplete, or incorrectly priced, you can submit a refund request.

Log in to the ChartRequest platform, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click “Request a Refund” on the right side of the footer to find the appropriate form. 


The first input field is for the request identification number, which can be found under the “ID” column of the ChartRequest platform homepage. Click on the drop-down menu to see a list of requests that may be eligible for a refund. If a refund request has already been submitted, the request will be light gray.

A medical record request must have been paid for within 30 days prior to the refund request; a request is not eligible for a refund after 31 days.

Enter the amount you want to be refunded in the text input field. The refund amount cannot exceed the amount you paid for the medical records request. If you enter a value greater than the amount you paid, you’ll get an error message when you try to submit the form.

Next, you’ll be asked for the reason for the refund request. Click the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate option from the following list:

  • -Statutory pricing incorrectly applied
  • -Canceled request
  • -Records not produced according to the order form
  • -Credit card charged incorrectly
  • -Duplicative requests submitted
  • -Other 


Enter additional comments in the text field, including a detailed explanation regarding the reason for your refund request. To support your refund request, you can upload any relevant documentation.

You can only upload files in PDF format. To add a PDF to your refund request, click “Upload Document” and select a file from your computer. The maximum file size is 20 MB, and you can upload up to three files.

Enter your mailing address in the following input fields, and click “Request Refund” to submit your request.

You can get an error message after clicking “Request Refund” for one or both of the following reasons:

  • -If you’ve enter a value that exceeds the dollar amount you paid under “Requested Refund Amount”
  • -If you haven’t completed all of the required fields


If you get an error message because the dollar amount you entered is too high, check how much you paid for your records and enter a number less than or equal to that amount. If you get an error message because you didn’t complete a required field, scroll to the relevant field and enter the requested information.

After you’ve submitted your refund request, you’ll see a confirmation message on the screen and receive an email confirming that your refund request has been received. Both the confirmation message and email will inform you how long it should take us to review your refund request, usually 7-10 business days.

Click “Back to Home” to return to the homepage, where you can click the medical records request for which you submitted a refund request to see an overview of the request and check its status. If you scroll to the bottom of the provider chat on the right side of the screen, you’ll see “Refund request submitted,” along with the details of the user who submitted the refund request.

You’ll receive an email notification once we review your refund request. 

If your refund request has been approved and you paid for your records with a credit card, your refund will be issued to your original payment account within three to five business days. If you paid with a check, your refund will be issued via check. Please allow 10 to 14 business days for the check to arrive.

If your refund request has been denied, you’ll receive an email stating the reason(s). 

If you have further questions about why your refund request was denied, you can contact us by phone at (888) 895-8366 or by email at [email protected].

To start, create your account and/or log in here, and click “Make a New Request for Records” under the Requests tab.

Your Requests

Select the provider or organization from which you are requesting records by selecting their state and entering their name. Click “Search” to pull up a list of matching custodians, then click “Request Records” to select a custodian. If you do not see the custodian you are searching for, click “Advanced Search” and enter as much information as possible.

Step 1

Fill out the request form with the patient’s details, andupload your signed authorization form or court-ordered subpoena. Select how you would like to receive your records, as well as any additional services you would like to add to your request. Once your request is complete, submit it by clicking “Send to Provider.”

For an in-depth, step-by-step guide, please watch the following video:

If you urgently need records, you can choose our “Rush Request” service to expedite the process for an additional fee. Be sure to check the “Rush Request” box before submitting your request to get your records within 48 hours. Please note that this service is only available for select providers.

Rush Request

When submitting a request through the ChartRequest platform, you can choose to receive your records either via fax or electronic download. When your requested records have been retrieved, you will receive a notification via email.

When your payment has been processed, the records will be delivered to you via your selected method. Sign in to ChartRequest, and select the “Priced” tab to pay for any records or the “Completed” tab to access records after payment has been processed.

To upload your authorization as an insurance agent or any other unspecified user type, sign in to ChartRequest. Create a new request by clicking “Make a New Request” in the “Requests” tab or navigate to your draft. Fill out the request form, then select your authorization type and click “Upload Authorization.


Click “Choose File” to open your file explorer. Select your authorization file and click “Upload Authorization.” You can upload your authorization in PDF, PNG or JPEG formats.

select a file

To upload your authorization as an insurance agent or any other unspecified user type, sign in to ChartRequest. Create a new request by clicking “Make a New Request” in the “Requests” tab or navigate to your draft. Fill out the request form, then select your authorization type and click “Upload Authorization.


Click “Choose File” to open your file explorer. Select your authorization file and click “Upload Authorization.” You can upload your authorization in PDF, PNG, or JPEG formats.

select a file


If the medical records you received through ChartRequest are inaccurate, incomplete, or incorrectly priced, you can submit a refund request.

Log in to the ChartRequest platform, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click “Request a Refund” on the right side of the footer to find the appropriate form. 

The first input field is for the request identification number, which can be found under the “ID” column of the ChartRequest platform homepage. Click on the drop-down menu to see a list of requests that may be eligible for a refund. If a refund request has already been submitted, the request will be light gray.

A medical record request must have been priced within 30 days prior to the refund request; a request is not eligible for a refund after 31 days.

Enter the amount you want to be refunded in the next input field. The refund amount cannot exceed the amount you paid for the medical records request. If you enter a value greater than the amount you paid, you’ll get an error message when you try to submit the form.

Next, you’ll be asked for the reason for the refund request. Click the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate option from the following list:

  • -Statutory pricing incorrectly applied
  • -Canceled request
  • -Records not produced according to the order form
  • -Credit card charged incorrectly
  • -Duplicative requests submitted
  • -Other 


Enter additional comments in the next field, including a detailed explanation regarding the reason for your refund request. To support your refund request, you can upload any relevant documentation.

You can only upload files in PDF format. To add a PDF to your refund request, click “Upload Document” and select a file from your computer. The maximum file size is 20 MB, and you can upload up to three files.

Enter your mailing address in the following input fields, and click “Request Refund” to submit your request.

You can get an error message after clicking “Request Refund” for one or both of the following reasons:

  • -If you’ve entered a value that exceeds the dollar amount you paid under “Requested Refund Amount”
  • -If you haven’t completed all of the required fields


If you get an error message because the dollar amount you entered is too high, check how much you paid for your records and enter a number less than or equal to that amount. If you get an error message because you didn’t complete a required field, scroll to the relevant field and enter the requested information.

After you’ve submitted your refund request, you’ll see a confirmation message on the screen and receive an email confirming that your refund request has been received. Both the confirmation message and email will inform you how long it should take us to review your refund request, usually 7-10 business days.

Click “Back to Home” to return to the homepage, where you can click the medical records request for which you submitted a refund request to see an overview of the request and check its status. If you scroll to the bottom of the provider chat on the right side of the screen, you’ll see “Refund request submitted,” along with the details of the user who submitted the refund request.

You’ll receive an email notification once we review your refund request. 

If your refund request has been approved and you paid for your records with a credit card, your refund will be issued to your original payment account within three to five business days. If you paid with a check, your refund will be issued via check. Please allow 10 to 14 business days for the check to arrive.

If your refund request has been denied, you’ll receive an email stating the reason(s). 

If you have further questions about why your refund request was denied, you can contact us by phone at (888) 895-8366 or by email at [email protected].