Unburden your in-house staff with our medical data retrieval services for lawyers

  • Choosing the right medical records retrieval service for lawyers is critical.
  • ChartRequest Network Retrieval allows law firms’ in-house staff to use our HIPAA-compliant software to request medical records from our more than 15,000 custodian partners, as well as external providers. 
  • With ChartRequest Active Retrieval, our expertly trained staff performs the process of retrieving medical records for you. This saves time and resources, plus, it ensures best-in-class turnaround times and full transparency over your medical records retrieval activities.

For more than eight years, we’ve been leveraging our state-of-the-art software and streamlined processes to help law firms across the United States retrieve medical documents for their cases. As such, we understand how critical it is for you to receive medical records in a timely manner —whether that’s to inform an expert witness or make a motion for summary judgment. Having the correct medical documents can mean the difference between winning large payouts for clients in personal injury cases or obtaining settlements for clients in mass tort claims.

That’s why we’re pleased to announce two customizable service levels for legal practices — Network Retrieval and Active Retrieval. 

Network Retrieval: Medical Records Retrieval Software for Lawyers

With ChartRequest Network Retrieval, your paralegals and other in-house staff can use our safe and secure medical records retrieval software platform to request medical records from our more than 15,000 custodian partners, as well as external providers. Our platform offers the following features:

  • HIPAA-compliant HIE exchange
  • Elegant, simple design
  • User-friendly, easy-to-navigate interface
  • Enter case information once and order medical records from up to 20 healthcare providers across 50 states in one workflow
  • Request APS record retrieval, workers’ compensation subpoena service, digital medical images transfer (DICOM), record certification and notarization of records, medical image film breakdowns, and FMLA and disability forms with just one click
  • Rush requests that are filled within 48 hours
  • Convenient stored and shared payment method options
  • Advanced search capabilities
  • Custodian “Favorites” list and search capabilities
  • Assign case numbers to requests so they correspond to your internal case management system
  • Real-time, detailed retrieval efforts log

Why make medical records management more complicated and time-consuming than it needs to be? Contact us to schedule a demo!

Active Retrieval: Medical Records Retrieval Services for Lawyers

If you want peace of mind regarding your medical record retrieval process, our Active Retrieval service level is right for you.

ChartRequest Active Retrieval takes the burden of performing the entire medical record retrieval process off your paralegals’ shoulders. With this service level, all your in-house staff is responsible for is ordering the records. Then, along with leveraging our network of more than 15,000 custodian partners, as well as external providers, we put our staff—who are all expertly trained in medical document retrieval—to work for you. 

Moreover, medical record requests can all be supplemented with APS record retrieval, workers’ compensation subpoena service, digital medical image transfer (DICOM), record certification, notarization of records, medical image film breakdowns, and FMLA and disability forms.

The Benefits of ChartRequest Record Retrieval for Law Firms

In addition to our state-of-the-art, HIPAA-compliant records retrieval processes, there are several distinct benefits to choosing our Active Retrieval service level.

Significant Cost Savings on Labor

According to Law.com, many firms have had the opportunity to review work and output during the period of time that staff was furloughed due to the coronavirus pandemic—and they’re seeing some redundancies that could give them a reason to make some of those furloughs permanent. 

Consider the following numbers, for example:

Medical records retrieval by in-house staff:

Requests per monthRequests per yearNumber of in-house staffLabor costs per year

Active retrieval by ChartRequest:

Requests per monthRequests per yearNumber of in-house staffRetrieval costs per yearCost savings per year

The top graph shows the costs of five paralegals handling your medical record requests. On average, each paralegal makes approximately 80 medical record requests per month. Multiplied by five, that’s a total of 400 medical record requests per month or 4,800 requests per year. With an average salary of $60,000 per year, you’re looking at $300,000 in labor costs. 

With Active Retrieval, you pay only $25 per request or, for 4,800 requests, $120,000 per year, as you can see from the bottom table. That’s a cost savings of $180,000 per year! Note that the prices per request are volume-based—anything over 200 requests per month merits a lower than standard fee.

In short, it just makes financial sense to use a trustworthy medical record retrieval company like ChartRequest. 

Time Savings

Without Active Retrieval, fulfilling a medical record request takes your staff a considerable amount of effort. Once a request has been submitted, your paralegals or other in-house staff have to call, fax, and/or email custodians who don’t respond in a timely manner. On top of that, they have to enter payments for each order individually. 

This can add up to 1.5 hours of work—or more—for a single request. But when you leverage our Active Retrieval service level, your in-house staff are far less involved in ordering medical records. And that frees them up to concentrate on your firm’s core activities.

Best-in-Class Turnaround Times

Thanks to our strong relationships with our more than 15,000 custodian partners combined with our powerful software and highly trained staff, we offer turnaround times of as short as 48 hours for clinical data. We have an average turnaround time of 22 days for Network Retrieval and 18 days for Active Retrieval for complete medical records with medical, billing, and images included.

Full Transparency

With our Active Retrieval service level, you never have to wonder about the status of a medical record request. Our detailed, real-time retrieval efforts log offers you the ability to see every touchpoint between ChartRequest staff and custodians. Moreover, every outbound effort—each phone call, fax, or email—is documented to provide full transparency.

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

You have a dedicated Customer Success Manager who serves as your main point of contact. Your Customer Success Manager ensures that your experience with our medical record request service is entirely smooth and worry-free. They provide se


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