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Medical Records Exchange Software for Practices of All Sizes

Medical Records Exchange Software for Practices of All Sizes

ChartRequest is a release of information and care coordination platform designed to flex to the unique needs of each user. Our healthcare provider network encompasses all sorts of practices, from single-provider private practices to large, multi-site medical organizations. 

Here, we will go over the flexible nature of our software to provide an understanding of how we can help you. Feel free to use this table of contents to jump to the option that best describes your practice:

  • Small and private practices (1-10 employees)
  • Medium-sized practices (11-100 employees)
  • Large and group practices (over 100 employees)

Small and/or private practices

If you’re leading a small or private medical practice, you know how versatile your employees need to be. If your lighter administrative workload makes hiring for each position unnecessary, your staff may need to wear multiple hats.

Smaller practices are especially prone to be overwhelmed by hectic schedules. Fewer resources, employees, and physicians reduce the number of patients they can see daily. Additionally, administrative healthcare tasks can easily take hours. 

When a front office employee is working alone, they’re already juggling patients and phone calls. Nobody likes to be kept waiting, and there will be times when multiple patients and phone calls pile up.

Acquiring new patients is how medical organizations grow, but there are only so many hours in a day. You don’t want the quality of care to suffer, but you don’t want your practice to stagnate either. 

That’s where we come in.

ChartRequest is a HIPAA-compliant medical records exchange and care coordination platform. We empower your employees to process medical records requests in a fraction of the time, allowing them to return to other key tasks.

We estimate that the average medical records request can take up to two hours of administrative labor, including fielding phone calls for status updates. With ChartRequest, releasing medical records takes a fraction of the time. Our streamlined platform simplifies the release of information and provides both real-time status updates and a built-in provider chat. 

The ChartRequest platform is incredibly easy to use, which minimizes the impact of staff turnover. Once they’ve completed their HIPAA training, your staff can jump right in and begin processing incoming requests.

Click here to learn more about our Self-Service offering, and get started today.

Medium-sized practices

Medium-sized practices generally have a few physicians and enough staff for each employee to have an area of focus. Some practices of this size will have a designated medical records specialist, while others may still have front office staff handle the release of protected health information.

Generally speaking, medical records requests will be more frequent for every additional healthcare provider and patient in a practice. As your medical organization continues to grow, you will need to accommodate these extra requests.

We’ve found the average medical records request can take up to two hours to fulfill, including calls for status updates. Our software reduces the administrative burden of medical records request fulfillment. Requestors can check for real-time status updates and use the built-in provider chat to cut out the phone calls.

With ChartRequest, your staff can process each request in a fraction of the time. By centralizing your release of information workflow with ChartRequest, your employees can easily pick up unprocessed or partially processed requests. 

As your practice continues to grow, so will your ROI needs. You can get ahead of your incoming requests and reduce your need to hire additional medical records specialists by empowering existing staff to better handle the administrative workload.

Our goal is to help improve the quality of care for your patients. By minimizing the additional administrative labor that comes with growing your healthcare organization, you can set your practice up for continued success. 

Click here to review all the benefits of a Self-Service subscription, and get started today.

Large and/or group practices

Entire communities can depend on large and group practices to provide essential care. In some areas, multi-site urgent care centers are the only non-emergency option. With such a large patient base, incoming medical records requests can grow overwhelmingly fast.

Large organizations can receive mountains of medical records requests that can keep medical staff struggling to catch up. Furthermore, this stream is constant and the penalties for missing HIPAA and state deadlines can severely slow growth.

It’s not enough though to just meet the deadlines. When people submit requests for medical records, there’s a chance that their need is urgent. Health information barriers can cause unnecessary testing, treatment, and medical errors.

Some sources cite medical errors as a leading cause of death in the United States. The ease of sharing protected health information (PHI) can help save lives.

We understand the intricacies of releasing medical records, and we’ve used this expertise to craft our streamlined, HIPAA-compliant release of information and care coordination platform. Not only do we simplify the ROI workflow, but we also unite your employees to adhere to the same process.

Your team can sort incoming medical records requests by the date received or their current stage in the fulfillment process. By centralizing requests, one member of your fulfillment team can easily pick up where the last one left off. 

ChartRequest empowers your staff to handle incoming medical records requests in a fraction of the time. Additionally, our care coordination platform helps ensure the most well-informed care for each of your patients.

With great power comes great responsibility, and your organization’s responsibility lies with the individuals who helped make it great. Don’t let them down when they need you most.

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