Legal and Compliance

Subpoenas for medical records

How do Subpoenas for Medical Records Work?

When medical records contain the key to winning a case, they can become key evidence in court. To get them, legal professionals can send a subpoena to a healthcare facility requesting a copy of the records. If you are a patient in this situation, you may be wondering what exactly this entails. While your medical records will be protected, you may have personal reasons for wanting to not share them.

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The ROI Solution for Federally Qualified Health Centers

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) are one of the most important safety nets in the United States healthcare system. By offering treatment regardless of patient’s ability to pay or their lack of insurance, the healthcare providers and support staff at FQHCs help keep underprivileged communities healthy.

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A computer screen with the word "security" on it.

HIPAA and the HITECH Act 101

When you visit a healthcare provider, they generate and retain a lot of sensitive data about your health and medical history. This information is protected under the following federal laws: HIPAA and the HITECH Act. Here’s what you need to know.

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cloud storage

HIPAA-Compliant Cloud Storage: What You Need to Know

Are you considering transitioning from hard-copy medical records to EMRs? If so, you might be thinking of using the cloud to store all the data. But just like with hard copy patient files, you need to protect electronic PHI according to HIPAA regulations. Here’s a broad overview of what you need to know.

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